A lot of research on the health benefits of yogurt

Yoghurt and fermented dairy products have been associated with a number of health benefits in the past In previous studies, yogurt has been linked to, among other things, a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes Milk ingredients may also help control blood pressure .

The association of dairy products with blood pressure has been observed in several studies The magazine is from earlier stated, for example, large study which found that the products have enjoyed daily at least twice a sick heart and succumbed to the disease and some which are not used as the milk-fifth less likely participants .
However, in this study, it was difficult to deduce from the results exactly what explains the beneficial effects in dairy products or those used daily .
Potassium, magnesium and calcium in milk can lower blood pressure, which in turn reduces the risk of heart symptoms and cerebrovascular disorders Yogurt made by fermentation may also act through intestinal bacterial strains .
Now published study involved 16 000 men and women who were 40 to 78 the age at study entry Participants' health status and use of dairy products were assessed at the beginning and end of the four-year follow-up on average .
The results of the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Journal .